Corporate Finance

It is Up to You to Develop Your Business

We contribute to achieving the highest value for our clients, the SME owners, by diversifying the available finance methods that meet the investment objectives of our clients and their finance needs for their current business or new projects

Developing New Products
Expanding Target Markets
Increase Competitiveness
Improve Internal Operations

Apply For SMEs Financing

In order to obtain financing for companies, small and medium enterprises, make sure the necessary conditions are met, provide the required documents, and then fill out the online application form.

checkThe business is at least 3 years old.
checkRevenues are not less than 10 Million SR and no more than 200 million SR for the last financial year.
checkAvailability of audited financial statements for at least the last year.
checkNo losses for the last year with a good credit record.

Kafalah Program

Kafalah aims at helping SMEs in obtaining the necessary financin​​​g to develop and expand their activities, and at encouraging the financial institutions to deal with the SMEs sector.

Osoul Modern Finance Company is pleased to be one of the financing companies that joined the “Kafala” to contribute to the success of the national economy in the Kingdom.


Invest in the Future of Your Business

Fast Financing with Initial Approval within 48 Hours